
Good morning.

Last night you were present in the prestigious Africa Palace in Tervuren for the award ceremony of the 40th Prix Galien. Thank you for being present! And hopefully you enjoyed the award ceremony and got the chance to network with colleagues.

Today, the morning after, we would like you to reminisce. You will hear the winners, the jury chairmen, and the organisers.

Enjoy, and we look forward to see you next year for the 41st Prix Galien.

The Winners ...

Ana Beloqui Garcia

winner Best Pharmacological Research Project

Elke Detré (Boston Scientific)

winner Best Medical Device or Diagnostic Tool

Wim Eeraerts (Gilead Sciences)

winner Best Pharmaceutical Agent

The Jury ...

Prof. Yves Beguin

president of the jury Best Pharmacological Research Project

Prof. Koen Kas

president of the jury Best Medical Device or Diagnostic Tool

Prof. Yves Beguin

president of the jury Best Pharmaceutical Agent

The Organisers ...

Geert Verrijken

editor in chief Artsenkrant

Vincent Claes

editor in chief Journal du Médecin

Jan Bamelis

director Roularta HealthCare
